Planning of the ENERI Boot Camp for Research Ethics Committees.

Following the successful organisation of the 1st ENERI Boot Camp for Research Integrity Offices, the consortium is preparing the 2nd Boot Camp for Research Ethics Committees. It is to be held in connection to a EUREC meeting in Prague, on March 26, 2019.

More information about the 2nd ENERI Boot Camp follows:

Originally, a boot camp utilises the idea of a single case, which is analysed, role played and discussed from a number of different angles. This approach provides the opportunity to get to depth with a case and practice competences vital for REC activities. However, the Prague BC will include more cases that will be followed up from different perspectives in the spirit of a “Boot camp”, that will allow us to better reflect the European diversity.

The main theme of the boot camp – research with minors – has emerged as a common interest of stakeholders. As one aim of ENERI is to create synergy between research integrity and research ethics, overlapping issues and integrity-related content is included. Synergy is further enhanced by the fact that also an ENRIO meeting is planned to take place in connection to the EUREC meeting.

Having a transversal theme, such as research with minors, will help to create the intensity of a boot camp, yet without locking in the program too tightly onto one single procedure. The challenge is to that participants come from contexts with different guidelines and procedures and yet it must be possible to discuss issues and even make conclusions of the cases discussed despite the differences in national and institutional backgrounds.

Working methods during the boot camp will include facilitated sessions with discussion of cases including role-play activities, and intensive group work with peers allowing for exchange of good practices and learning from others.