ENERI Boot Camp for RIOs

ENERI Boot Camp for RIOs

Events, News
ENERI organised a Research Integrity Boot Camp on April 9-10, 2018 at the National Research Council (NCR) in Rome. The RIO boot camps organised in the U.S. functioned as the model for the ENERI RIO boot camp in Rome. While this was a boot camp with an integrity focus it also highlighted research ethics and overlapping issues in line with the aims of the ENERI project. The boot camp focused on the ALLEA Code of Conduct, conflict of interest, authorship and plagiarism, GDPR, building a culture of integrity, and ethics review in non-medical fields. (more…)
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1st ENERI Newsletter

1st ENERI Newsletter

The 1st ENERI Newsletter has been just released! Learn about the beginning of the ENERI project and in connection with that read about various meetings and workshops to foster a productive cooperation between the stakeholders. (more…)
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ENERI Think Tank Meeting

ENERI Think Tank Meeting

Events, News
ENERI Think Tank meeting (January 2017) The ENERI Think Tank meeting was successfully held at Berlin, January 13th 2017. In preparation to the meeting the project partners answered a couple of leading questions, e.g. What is needed for training?, What are cases of good practice in research ethics and research integrity? Based on a systematic analysis of the answers to the leading questions there was an intensive and fruitful debate between all present partners. For further information about the Think Tank meeting at Berlin, see the Report.
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